The National Agency of Natural Resources (AKBN) is set to engage its leading experts in the development of a comprehensive Roadmap on the potential of critical and strategic raw materials in the country. This initiative is being implemented in collaboration with the TAIEX Expert Mission (Technical Assistance and Information Exchange), the Regional Innovation Center “EIT Raw Materials” and with the support of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.
The first session of a five-day meeting was held at “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University, in Elbasan for the drafting of Albania’s Roadmap on the Potential of Critical and Strategic Raw , brought together key institutions including National Agency of Natural Resources (AKBN), Albanian Geological Survey (SHGJSH) and TAIEX experts.
Top experts of AKBN, Albanian Geological Survey (SHGJSH), Finland and Polish Geological Survey and Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency (Tukes) discussed about the current state of geological exploration and data availability in Albania.