Pursuant to the Order of AKBN’s Executive Director, no. 1183, dated 15.07.2015, “ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMISSION ON REVIEWING THE SUBMITTED PROPOSALS BY HYDROCARBON COMPANIES” commissioners received the application documents deposited in AKBN, Record sheet no. 1217, dated 07.16.2015.
To this purpose another Record sheet no. Prot 1217/1, dated 16.07.2015 was drafted.
Pursuant to the verification of the submitted documentation, the commission ascertained that applications were submitted for Block 4 and Block Dumre, as it follows:
-Block 4
1.Shell Upstream Albania B.V dhe Petromanas ALBANIA GmbH
2.Interland Investment SA
-Block Dumre
1.Shell Upstream Albania B.V dhe Petromanas ALBANIA GmbH
2.Interland Investment SA
3.Navitas Petroleum Limited
Applicants’ proposals are being considered.