The project aims to capitalize on results from previous, namely digital tools produced within the “Digital Convergence” framework and the ”AGRO-LESS” project (ETCP Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013) and expand its use within the Balkan territory into five (5) Balkan-Med countries (Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, North Macedonia and Cyprus) in order to promote governance capacity and legal framework implementation in all three aforementioned fields.
The project will be based on the system of digital services will further develop, with an emphasis on the following three services: 1) application of precise energy efficiency irrigation: a digital model for the application of precise irrigation in space and time will be further upgraded, customized and applied within the Greek and Albanian territories. 2) application of codes of good agricultural practices: a digital tool for the evaluation of the implementation of the CGAP ( a set of more efficient, environmentally friendly practices in agriculture on a national and European basis) will be customized and applied within the Cyprus and North Macedonia territories. 3) application of soil erosion risk assessment: a digital model for the large-scale risk assessment of soil erosion will be customized for use within the Bulgarian and Albania territories.
The overall objective of the Project is the enhancement of the capacity of the public administration in relation to soil and water resources management, environmental protection and related legal framework implementation.